Saturday, April 6, 2024

Unsettled Times and Surprises!

The past two years have been fraught with excitement, worry and new beginnimgs. The arrival of the Covid virus has changed the way we live, how we interact and work. It has altered relationships, created political issues and impacted the way our children learn. It has hurt many businesses and given birth to new ways we shop, eat and socialize. It often amazes me to see that while there is a vacine availabe to, if not totally prevent getting the virus, at least lessen the symptoms and worst effects...and yet there are those who refuse to get vaccinated. As a child I remember that one day in school the teacher asked us to put down our pencils and line up in front of the room. We were then marched up to the nurse's office where we got the polio vaccine... escorted back to class and continued our lessons. No one called my parents for permission, no one asked if I wanted to be was something done for the greater good. Have you heard of a case of Polio I didn't think so. Same thing happened when we needed the Tuberculosis vaccine... When my children and grandchildren were babies they were innoculated against measles, chicken pox and an assortment of other illnesses. A certificate assuring that this had been done was needed in order to enroll them in school. In this age of entitlement and political whining we have those who refuse, for one reason or another to do something for the greater good. Jim

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