Friday, January 18, 2013

Picky, Picky, Picky...

   I was having lunch with a friend last week and noticed a mother with two children at a nearby table.  The restaurant was busy but the waitress remained at their table while the harried mother tried to help them find a single item on the vast menu that they would like. "Nooo...I hate vegetables..." cried the little boy, his chubby cheeks reddening with anger and exasperation.  "Me too." echoed his little sister.  Same for cheese, hamburgers and oh, so much more.   Finally they ordered chicken soup all around and my friend and I began a conversation about children and food.

  My own children ran the gamut from my eldest being the pickiest eater ever, to my youngest who had (and still has) a golden palate.  My daughter needed to taste and try but she was always agreeable.  I remembered a friend whose son needed a separate plate for each item of food...meat, vegetables, potatoes, even ketchup had to be in a separate little dish.  No foods could touch each other!  I also remember making dinner and expecting my family to eat it.  I did not ask what they wanted for any particular meal, I shopped, cooked and presented and they ate it!  (Well, all except one son who had his own food agenda and I just planned for that too!)  

  Some children just love food...whatever they are given seems delicious to them.  I recall an incident that occurred when my youngest son was about 20 months old that illustrates this perfectly!  My daughter was being dropped off from pre-school by the carpool mother.  As she exited the car the child who preceded her out slammed the car door, smashing my child's fingers.  Her screams brought the nanny and me flying out of the house to find a bleeding, shaking and hysterical child.  The nanny scooped her up while I ran to call our pediatrician, who directed me to go straight to the emergency room....I had supposed I would just  leave my boys with the nanny, and I would go to the ER with my daughter...but she was snuggled into her nanny, clutching for dear life with her good hand while nanny iced the affected one... and refused to go without her!  In a frenzy I ran into a neighbor's house and asked if my two sons could stay with her until we got back.  She was a lovely, grandmotherly woman and readily agreed.  Luckily it was a slow day at the ER and we were not there long.  We returned with a bandaged and somewhat calmer patient.  I dropped my daughter and nanny at the house and went to pick the boys up,  My oldest son was in the den watching TV and the baby was on a chair in the kitchen...eating from a huge bowl of chopped herring!  My neighbor laughed as she told me she offered the boys a snack and the baby pointed to what she was preparing.  She put a bit on a cracker and he ate it with gusto so she offered a bit more...finally placing a bowl of it near him, which he quickly dug into...chopped herring...of all things!!!  To this day this son will try new foods, loves food....and is an inventive and wonderful cook.


  Introducing food to children is a big step in their development.  From just milk to soft foods to toddler foods and finally, "real" food.  Everyone has preferences and develops likes and dislikes...I get that...and I believe that after taste comes the way food looks and how it is presented.  I always believe that the first taste is with the eyes, so food should look interesting to kids...and when it hits the tongue, it should taste wonderful.  They will form their own tastes and dislikes, but by offering simple, delicious and good looking food, chances are that meal time will be a success!

Today I have seven grandchildren.  Each has a definite menu of favorite, (usually headed by pizza)!  But there are some wonderful and delicious recipes that kids love and ....I share!

A big favorite is MEATBALLS.  They can b sliced onto an Italian roll wit a bit of marinara sauce and some mozzarella under the broiler a few minutes to melt cheese and Voila!  a meatball parmigiana hero! 

1 package of  lean ground beef 
1 package of combination of ground pork, veal, beef
2 large eggs
1/2 cup chopped curly parsley
1/4 cup chiffonaded fresh basil leaves
3-4 sprigs of fresh thyme (leaves only
1 sprig fresh rosemary finely chopped 
1/2 tsp. dried oregano
2 cloves of garlic finely minced
1 1/2 c. breadcrumbs 
1 c. finely grated parmigiana cheese
1/2 c. red wine
3/4 c. warm water
salt and pepper to taste

1-In a large bowl mix meats, eggs, cheese, herbs,seasonings, garlic, breadcrumbs and red's best to use your hands to blend it well...slowly add water until it reaches a soft but not mushy consistency...
2- Heat about 4 tbsp olive oil in a large pan...make meatballs about 1 1/2 " round and brown on all sides in hot oil.
3- Remove from pan with slotted spoon and drop into large pot of marinara sauce and cook on medium temperature for about 1/2 hour or until cooked through.
3-serve with pasta and and sauce
(Recipe for my sauce in previous entry Mangia!

Loretta's (our beloved Nanny) Mac 'n Cheese


1 box of elbows- cooked
2 blocks of cheddar cheese about 0.65 oz each- grated 
2/3 c. sour cream
1/3 c. whipped cream cheese
1/2 stick of butter
milk or cream
1 c. panko
(Optinal additions: peas and carrots..or....cut up hot dogs...or...sausage...whatever you think would be a good addition!)
Spray a baking dish or casserole with Pam, set aside, and set oven to 375
1- Drain pasta and return to pot...add 2/3 of the butter and let it melt through
2- add cream cheese then sour cream and mix through
3-Add shredded cheese a little at a time letting it melt into the hot pasta reserving about 1/4 for topping...when all the cheddar has been mixed in, add milk or cream until it reaches a consistency that can be stirred easily but is  not loose.

4-season with salt and pepper (and add any other optional ingredients) and pour into the baking dish
5- Cover top with panko then reserved cheddar and dot with reserved 1/4 of butter and bake until it browns on top and bubbles on the sides...

English Muffin Grilled Cheese and Bacon

1 split english muffin
sliced tomato
bacon or chicken or tuna
sliced cheese (American, cheddar, muenster,Swiss...) your choice

1- Partially toast muffin and spread w/mayo
2- Place a slice of tomato, then some crispy bacon (or roasted chicken or cooked salmon or tuna salad) then
a slice of cheese.
3- Place under broiler until cheese melts!
Easy...delicious and so kid friendly!

Foods for toddlers and pre-schoolers  can be so easy make...using cookie cutters, sandwiches become interesting and fun...and the Raggedy Ann salad was a big favorite of my sister's when she was a little one...the parts for this are anything your ingenuity wants them to be and the child will have a wonderful time as it is eaten!                                                        

 I hope these recipes will help make mealtime easier for moms...Bon Appetite!     Scroll back through the blog for fast kid and  dessert recipes like Brownies and Delicious Squares too!                                                             


  1. I have never seen or heard of Raggedy Anne salad!! I love it . Love you!!

    1. My mother used to cut a hard boiled egg in half lenghthwise laying one on top with the yellow side up and the other just below it with the white side up. On the yellow she used 2 raisins for eyes, a green pea for a nose and a piece of red pepper for a mouth...shredded carrot for hair
      Below the face and under the white-side-up body was a skirt of lettuce. Carrot sticks formed the arms and legs and more raisins were buttons on the white body. That was the original Raggedy Ann salad in our family...but it can be made of anything appealing to a child!

  2. My favorite lunch is still the grilled cheese on an English muffin!

  3. I still love the English muffin grilled cheese!
