Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Hokkaido Man

Talk about ingenuity!!!!  My mother was a master!  But let me start at the beginning...

My aunt was an executive with a company that imported goods from Japan.  Her boss made frequent trips there and always returned with lovely gifts.  One time, a stunning hot-pink silk kimono (which in later years was a favorite Halloween costume of my daughter's) time a pearl pin...and another time, The Hokkaido Man.  He is a little figurine of a Japanese man playing an instrument.  My mother was an interior designer (yes, I came by it honestly!) with a creative talent second to none.  Thus, The Hokkaido Man Veggie Tray was born.  She used a wooden tray with a lip edge and filled it with uncooked beans which looked like little pebbles.  On this bed she sat our little man.  Using twigs collected from outside, she placed cauliflower on the little branches, creating tiny Bonsai trees.  Radish roses, broccoli florets, scallions, celery, mushrooms and other raw vegetables were arranged to create a Japanese edible garden.

The Hokkaido Man presently sits in my livingroom, his days of glory far behind him.  But each time I pass the little chest where he presides atop my wedding album, I remember the parties where he sat proudly in his garden of  edibles and my mother's joy as she accepted the praise and delight of her guests.

 Now, writing this, I am inspired to re-create the little garden as a centerpiece for a Japanese dinner party with sushi, noodles and all the wonderful Japanese dishes that have grown so popular here over the years.  I have never really attempted Japanese cuisine but it certainly would be an exciting challenge, and an adventure I would take you all on with me!                                         

                                      Here is Hokkaido-san dressed to party!
                                   (this foto from the 1960's... and still in style!)

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